May 20, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Asbestos Danger Overlooked
Asbestos poses a real danger and the government should be quick to address it.
May 14, 2009
SNU Created Highly Efficient Green Quantum Dot LED
SNU created a highly efficient light emitting diode (LED) that can help develop next-generation displays and computer chips.
May 07, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Leave Roh’s Trial to the Courts
Politicians, journalists and the public should avoid kicking Roh when he’s down.
Apr 30, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Fight Against a Mutating Foe
For now, we have to assume swine flu is deadly and will cause a global pandemic.
Apr 30, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Overreaching Academic Role in River Restoration Plan
Lately, overreach has been a dominant theme in South Korean society. When an administration overplays its hand, there’s typically a sense of desire and anxiety behind it.
Apr 28, 2009
[Student Essay] Korea: Try Something New
It's not the economic growth, skyscrapers or fancy restaurants that make my life here special; it is everyday, normal moments and enamored experiences that define Korea for me.
Apr 22, 2009
"Information Technology Broght Me To Life, Not Stem Cells."
“It’s IT that brought me to life, not stem cells,” he said. In the year since he returned to the public eye, Lee, who is often called Korea’s Stephen Hawking, has inspired his fellow disabled people with his story of patience and determination.
Apr 22, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Writing with Clarity, Precision
When people write in a foreign language, they try to show off their intellectual sophistication by using flamboyant words, pretentious expressions and inflated style.
Apr 16, 2009
[Faculty Essay] Have They Become Monsters?
It was Nietzsche who once said: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.
Apr 14, 2009
Dimensional Crossover in Nano-size Particles
Professor CHOE Sug-bong found that nano-size particles could be reduced to the point where they exist in a blurred boundary between a two-dimensional and one-dimensional phase.
Apr 14, 2009
[Student Essay] Exports, Still a Beacon of Hope for Nepalese Economy
Nepal has no alternative to developing an investment friendly environment and tapping the advantage of globalization that has eased the transfer of capital, technology, and know-how.
Apr 14, 2009
Single Elderly People More Likely to Suffer Dementia
CHO Maeng-je, Professor of Neuropsychiatry at College of Medicine, released a government supported research result on April 13. According to the report, smokers and single elderly people are exposed to a higher risk of getting dementia.