Mar 15, 2021
Another “awesome” tomorrow
X-rays have been used in radiology for more than a century and have helped many humans undergo medical examinations, but negative perceptions of the technology have remained strong because of the use of substances that continuously emit radiation such as uranium.
Mar 15, 2021
Igniting intellectual dialogue
The review journal Seoul Review of Books (SRB) was started in Korea. SRB is not just a platform for book reviews.
Mar 15, 2021
Excitement explodes in Seoul national university
Leenalchi is an alternative pop band that has positioned itself as an exquisite blend between pansori and popular music.
Mar 08, 2021
Interview with Professor Myunshin Im, recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Research Award
Professor Myungshin Im (Department of Physics & Astronomy) has been integral in broadening the field of observational cosmology and multi-messenger astronomy in South Korea.
Feb 26, 2021
Interview with Professor Seog-Bae Oh, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Research Award
Professor Seog-Bae Oh (School of Dentistry) has been devoted to defining and investigating the experience of pain, looking into mechanisms that cause pain and developing new ways to treat chronic pain.
Feb 03, 2021
A Contented Speck Of Dust In This Universe
“Before this vast universe, we realize our existence is ultimately meaningless. We are but specks of dust in this universe. So, if I am, too, just another speck of dust, I choose to be a contented one.”
Jan 21, 2021
New Horizons for Traditional Korean Music
Professor Anna Yates-Lu admits that not even she herself could have expected that her pursuit of higher education would result in a faculty appointment in the Korean Music department at Seoul National University.
Jan 13, 2021
There’s a new spider in town: advancing the field of robotics with ionic spiderwebs
A new kind of robot has been born in Professor Jeong-Yun Sun’s lab, one that takes inspiration from the way spiders spin their webs.
Jan 07, 2021
From Domestic to International Success – SNU’s Debate team
SNU’s competitive spirit can be seen from the many teams its student body hosts.
Dec 31, 2020
Interview with Professor Hyunsub Kum, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award
Professor Hyunsub Kum of the Graduate School of Public Administration teaches the methodology course mandatory for all students of the school.
Dec 17, 2020
Interview with Professor Cheol-Hwan Park, recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award
Professor Cheol-Hwan Park (Department of Physics & Astronomy), back-to-back recipient of the College of Natural Sciences Teaching Award for 2016 and 2017, has adopted the flipped learning (or flipped classroom) model to help physics and astronomy students be more engaged in the traditionally grueling thermal and statistical physics classes.
Dec 17, 2020
Interview with Professor Nongmoon Hwang, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award
Professor Nongmoon Hwang (Department of Materials Science and Engineering) was one of ten recipients of the 2020 SNU Excellence in Teaching Award.
![Another “awesome” tomorrow](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/520zf02z0bbzf93z381z51azb7cz2d6z15cz873z52.jpg)
![Igniting intellectual dialogue](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/67bzee2z6f7za63z2a1z88az62azc5ez537zf82ze6.jpg)
![Excitement explodes in Seoul national university](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/e3ez3d8zf66z2bcz4a5z580zeaczc7fzf8cz5d9z42.jpg)
![Interview with Professor Myunshin Im, recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Research Award](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/9d5z894ze7azcc3z42bzb65z2f4z3d1zb74z174z44.jpg)
![Interview with Professor Seog-Bae Oh, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Research Award](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/830z728z63ez4dbzccbz372z7d4ze34z49az701zb7.jpg)
![A Contented Speck Of Dust In This Universe](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/170z9c4zde0z85azd3bz59azbfdza5cz122z9e0z76.jpg)
![New Horizons for Traditional Korean Music](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/95azcfdz14cza70z49cz2e4ze20za70z8f9z514zb2.jpg)
![There’s a new spider in town: advancing the field of robotics with ionic spiderwebs](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/62dze69zd3czb54z587ze7cz3a9z1f8z3a8z221zc6.jpg)
![From Domestic to International Success – SNU’s Debate team](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/b88z5ebz50fz16eza73z6fez67dz5e5zd96z097z1d.jpg)
![Interview with Professor Hyunsub Kum, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/2dez786z5c9zcf1zcdez53dz4c4za07zf33zee1zd2.jpg)
![Interview with Professor Cheol-Hwan Park, recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/bd7z550z87bze22za58z131z422zbf1z7bdzc6azee.jpg)
![Interview with Professor Nongmoon Hwang, Recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award](/webdata/boardimages/ennews/87bz002zacazcb7zd85zc01z270z867z1a2z105zc4.jpg)