

Jan 16, 2006 Public Statement by President, SNU It is with a very heavy heart that I stand before you today to express my regrets that Professor Hwang’s team at our university carried out such grave misconducts. As the President of Seoul National University, I feel I owe the Korean people a deep apology for the public confusion and controversy caused by Professor Hwang’s research team. Jan 10, 2006 Summary of the Final Report on Professor Woo Suk Hwang's Research Allegations by Seoul National University Investigation Committee Today we submit the final report based on our investigative effort from December 15th of 2005 to January 9th of 2006. Here is a brief summary of our report. Dec 30, 2005 SNU's First Venture To Be on KOSDAQ Market Kim Sun-young, an SNU biological science professor and the CEO of ViroMed, said, “ViroMed, which was set up to develop gene medicines, will be listed on the KOSDAQ on December 29.” Dec 23, 2005 Second Interim Report on Prof. Hwang Woo-Suk's Research Allegation As stated in the interim report on Dec. 23, the Committee requested DNA fingerprint analyses to three independent organizations of samples taken from Hwang’s lab. Dec 15, 2005 Interim Report on Professor Hwang In response to a worldwide controversy about the scientific work of Professor Hwang Woo-Suk, on December 15, 2005, the Investigation Panel began examining Professor Hwang's research publications, including his paper published in Science this year. Dec 12, 2005 SNU Launched an Investigation on Hwang's Case Seoul National University launched an investigation to examine the research of stem cell pioneer Hwang Woo-suk. Dec 07, 2005 SNU Boosts Exchanges with Foreign Universities The number of foreign universities having academic exchanges with the SNU has risen from 46 universities three years ago to 98 universities this year. Nov 15, 2005 SNU, World Top 100 University Seoul National University made it into the top 100 schools ranked by a comprehensive world university evaluation for the first time. Nov 15, 2005 47.3% of High-ranking Officials in Korea is SNU Alumni The recent statistics showes that in Korean modern history there has been 1,635 high-ranking officials, who are as high or higher than underseceretary, and 773(47.3%) of them are from SNU. Nov 14, 2005 SNU Natural Sciences Listed among World Top 20 Colleges The College of Natural Sciences at Seoul National University is isted among the world top 20 colleges in an in-depth assessment made by world-renowned scholars in the United States. Oct 06, 2005 SNU at Yale In the first partnership of its kind at Yale, Seoul National University and Yale University will collaborate this summer when a group of 20 SNU students attends the Yale English Language Institute's program. Sep 29, 2005 President Chung Supports the Incorporation of SNU CHUNG Un-chan, President of SNU said that he is in favor of the incorporation of SNU despite the professors' opposition.