Research Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Research Highlights
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Temporally Distinct 3D Multi-Omic Dynamics in the Developing Human Brain
Prof. Dong-Sung Lee
Professor Dongsung Lee from the College of Medicine at SNU, in collaboration with researchers at UCLA and UCSF, has published a paper in Nature, being the first in the world to study epigenomic changes, including the three-dimensional genome structure and DNA methylation, during human brain development from the fetal stage to adulthood at the single-cell level, using the single-nucleus methyl-3C technology they developed.
Research Highlights Board

The Rewards of Compassion
[Professor Young-Joon Surh] Talent is meaningless without virtue. This ancient Asian proverb has found its perfect embodiment in the research team of Professor Young-Joon Surh at SNU's College of Pharmacy. Professor Surh's research team has swept the Scholar in Training Grant from the American Association...

NGO Researcher
Professor Hyunchin Lim, one of the most prominent scholars in the field of Human Sociology, is indeed an authority on Sociology proved through his comparison studies on the development of Korean society. Lim is a prolific researcher with more than 20 books and over 150 papers published. In particular, he is renowned fo...