As an animal matures, its neural circuit undergoes alterations, yet the developmental changes in intracellular organelles to facilitate these changes is less understood. Using 3D electron microscopy and deep learning, the study develops semi-automated methods for reconstructing mitochondria in C. elegans and collected mitochondria reconstructions from normal reproductive stages and dauer, enabling comparative study on mitochondria structure within the neuromuscular system. It is found that various mitochondria structural properties in neurons correlate with synaptic connections and these properties are preserved across development in different neural circuits. To test the necessity of these universal mitochondria properties, the study examines the behavior in drp-1 mutants with impaired mitochondria fission and discovers that it causes behavioral deficits. Moreover, it is observed that dauer neurons display distinctive mitochondrial features, and mitochondria in dauer muscles exhibit unique reticulum-like structure. It is proposed that these specialized mitochondria structures may serve as an adaptive mechanism to support stage-specific behavioral and physiological needs.
Research Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Prof. Junho Lee