Professor SEO Jeongsun
Professor SEO Jeongsun (College of Medicine) will participate as a co-research representative in the Genome Asia 100K Initiative led by Macrogen, a leading biotech company. The Genome Asia 100K Initiative is a non-profit consortium with participating members from 19 Asian countries with the aim of analyzing over 100,000 DNA structures of Asians. It will provide the basis for research of diseases which are indigenous to the Asian region. The Genome Asia 100K Initiative’s ultimate goal is to build an Asian DNA database (“Asian Reference Genome”), and share the results with the US’s Precision Medicine Initiative or Genomics England’s 100,000 Genomes Project. The SNU Genomic Medicine Institute, Singapore’s Nanyang Polytechnic, Illumina and MedGenome are all participating members of the Genome Asia 100K Initiative.
Published in Asia Economics
Summary by LEE Hee Un, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Melora Brett Briana Johnson,