Professor LEE Youngjo
Professor Lee Youngjo (Department of Statistics) was chosen as the winner of the 2015 Korea Science Award in the field of mathematics by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the National Research Foundation of Korea and the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Professor Lee was recognized for his discovery of Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models (HGLMs). Other recipients of this year’s award are Han Woong YEOM (field of physics/ POSTECH) and NAM Wonwoo (field of chemistry/ Ewha Womans University). The Korea Science Award is given every other year to persons who made great contributions to the development of science by demonstrating world-class research performances. The awards ceremony took place on November 22 at the Korea Press Center.
Published in Yonhap News
Summary by LEE Hee Un, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Melora Brett Briana Johnson,