Professor LEE Yoon-Sik
Professor Yoon-Sik Lee’s research team (Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering) has developed a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) barcoding system for high-throughput bioanalysis using highly sensitive SERS nanoparticles (SERS ID) which enables easy preparation and screening of compound libraries. The team combined 44 kinds of SERS IDs to generate more than a million codes. The SERS ID encoding based screening platform can identify the peptide ligand on the bead and also quantify its binding affinity for specific protein. The barcoding method showed high stability and reliability under bioassay conditions. “We believe that our SERS barcoding technology is a promising method in the screening of one-bead-one-compound (OBOC) libraries for drug discovery,” said Professor Lee.
- This development was published in Scientific Reports of the journal Nature on May 28
- Professor LEE Yoon-Sik’s lab:
- SNU Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering:
Summary by LEE HeeUn, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Melora Brett Briana Johnson,