Professor KIM Jin-Soo
Professor Hyunseok JEONG’s research team (Department of Physics and Astronomy) has developed a new Bell-measurement scheme to teleport photons with high success probability. Photons are a promising candidate for quantum information. But the standard Bell measurement using linear optics and photo detectors showed a success probability of 1/2, which fundamentally hindered deterministic quantum teleportation. The team came up with a novel Bell-measurement scheme using linear optics and photon on-off measurements with multiphoton qubit encoding in the form of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entanglement. Assuming that N is the number of photons in a logical qubit, this Bell measurement fails only when none of the N pairs is a detectable Bell state, resulting in a success probability of 1 − 2−N that rapidly approaches unity as N increases. Professor Jeong commented that this “reveals the possibility of using multipartite entangled systems for efficient quantum communication and computation.” This research was published online on March 18 in Physical Review Letters.
Summary by LEE Hee Un, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Melora Brett Briana Johnson,