Professor CHO Kuk
Professor Cho Kuk (School of Law), who teaches criminal and criminal procedure law, is the most frequently cited Korean legal scholar. According to the National Research Foundation of Korea, Professor Cho’s work has been cited a total of 280 times from 2004 to February 2015. He published forty papers during this period and also ranked first for the average number of citations per paper at 6.8 times per paper. The average Korean legal paper was cited 1.7 times. Professor Cho’s most frequently cited work was Legal Nature of the Provisions to Punish Corporations: A Defense for the Theory of"Liability with Fault" published in 2007 which was cited 37 times. “I am happy the quality of my work has been recognized,” he said. Professor YUNE Jinsu, who teaches civil law, is the third most frequently cited legal scholar, having been cited a total of 235 times.
- The most frequently cited paper: ECN-0102-2009-360-000125672
- Professors CHO Kuk:
- SNU School of Law:
Summary by LEE Hee Un, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Melora Brett Briana Johnson,