Admissions Overview
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You can apply for the exchange student program if you are attending a University that has a Student Exchange Agreement with Seoul National University. The first thing you should do is to visit your international study program office at your university and check the procedure and requirements for the exchange program. Applying as an exchange student requires a written recommendation from SNU's partner University. If you cannot obtain recommendation from your university, or your university does not have a student exchange agreement with SNU, you can still apply for the Visiting Student Program.
These two programs are very similar, however there are some differences. Exchange students do not have to pay tuition to SNU, but should be registered at their home university. Visiting students should pay SNU's tuition fee, which is decided by the amount of credits a student has registered for. Additionally, at the end of the semester, a copy of the student's official transcript will be sent to the partner university in the case of exchange students. Visiting students will have their transcripts sent directly to them.
The procedure and details for transferring credits you have earned at SNU should be decided by your home University. The only thing we can do regarding your credit transfer is to issue an English transcript from our registrar's office.
It is not recommended. We do suggest that you apply to the physics department at the College of Natural Sciences. Even if you are registered as an exchange student at the College of Natural Sciences, you can still attend classes in the College of Humanities.
Spring semester starts 1 March 1steach year and ends mid-June. Fall semester starts September 1st and ends mid-December.
Tel 82-2-880-8633
Last updated in 2018