The Central Library of SNU ( collects and provides SCI information, which is used around the world for the evaluation of college and researcher ranking, to efficiently support SNU's superb faculty and research personnel.
Access the following links
Webpage of the Central Library of SNU > Scholarly and research information > Guide for academic paper writing > SCI information. (
This webpage will provide information concerning RSS of recent SCI papers written by researchers affiliated with SNU.
One can also learn from this webpage about SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI journal lists and selection processes, and current trends and related media reports which are updated monthly. Moreover, it explains Journal Impact Factor, which indicates each journal’s influence in a certain discipline, and also details H-index, which is widely used for the evaluation of an individual’s research records.
The webpage also contains information about ResearcherID, a tool that helps upload academic papers and form coauthoring networks, and lists links to citation indexers including SCOPUS, NSI, KCI, and KSCI.
A researcher interested in finding an individual paper published in an SCI journal can search the database in SCIS (Science Citation Index Expanded) for science and technology, in SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) for the social sciences, or in A&HCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) for the arts and humanities, through the Web of Science platform.
Moreover, the Journal Citation Report database provides information about the influence of and relationship between journals in certain subject areas.
The Central Library attempts to enrich the convenience of SNU researchers through the continuous updating of services. For related questions and requests for training, call 880-5311 or send email to
Written by PARK Ziho, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Brett Johnson, SNU English Editor,
Check SCI Information with a Click
Oct 13, 2011