

Prof. HYEON Joined World Top 100 Chemists

Feb 18, 2011

HYEON Taeghwan, SNU Distinguished Professor of chemical engineering, has joined the world's top 100 chemists.

Thomson Reuters published a table of "Top 100 Chemists, 2000-2010" which listed 100 scientists who achieved the highest citation impact scores for chemistry papers.

Professor Hyeon ranked 37th in the world and the first among Korean chemists.

Thomson Reuters counted publications and citations of about 6,000 scientists for the last 10 years, and rated them with 'impact score (citation/publication)".

Professor Hyeon published 82 papers and they were cited by others 6,587 times, which made his impact score 80.33.

Among Koreans, KAIST Professor YOO Ryong (class of 77) joined the list as 39th. 

(Picture: The Times Higher Education)

Feb 18, 2011
Dept. of Public Relations and Communications