Korea's economic power of 1970s and 80s came from engineering technology and Seoul National University was at the very center of producing outstanding individuals in the field. However, as the economic development became slower compared to the past, many students have spread over to many other departments such as business administration or medical school.
For this reason, SNU College of Engineering established a special undergraduate-elite group STEM to regain their old fame back. The first STEM consists of 16 students with high GPAs (over 3.7, top 10%) and with a high level of foreign language skills. They will also be required to do volunteer work within the local community. These selected students become life members of STEM.
Phi Beta Kappa of the USA was the role model of STEM. Phi Beta Kappa started in 1776, has turned out 17 presidents, 37 Supreme Court justices and 131 Nobel Prize winners so far. In the field of engineering, Tau Beta Phi, established in 1885, is the largest 'excellent student membership' and its members, numbering more than 510 thousand people, are leaders of their own societies all over the world.
Dean of the College of Engineering, KANG Tae-Jin attended the inauguration ceremony on and commented that STEM students are expected to become future global leaders.
September 3, 2010
SNU PR Office
Engineering College Made an Undergraduate Elite Group
Sep 03, 2010