

Professor SUH Young-bae Elected as IUCN Regional Chief

Apr 06, 2009

SUH Young-bae, Professor of Pharmacy, has been elected as new chair for the Asian regional committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Professor SUH has led the Natural Products Research Institute at SNU for 16 years. Now he will lead the South and East Asia Regional Committee until 2011. He will be the second Korean to be appointed as a council member of the IUCN.

Another SNU Professor KIM Seong-il, professor at College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is elected as a councilor of the organization in February. He will the first Korean on the post.

IUCN, which is headquartered in Gland, Switzerland, is a global group that assists the process of finding pragmatic solutions to the most pressing environment and development challenges. It also supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement related policies and law.

Founded in 1948, it is also the largest international environmental network with over 1,000 governments and NGOs, as well as 11,000 volunteer scientists from more than 160 nations.

April 6. 2009
SNU PR Office