

Setting Things Straight: How Old Is SNU?

Dec 01, 2008

It is not uncommon to hear of prodigies or new market entrants gathering fame and prestige at a young age in their respective fields of effort. However, when it comes to the academic field, the most prestigious universities are usually those that have long histories. Universities need to build up their academic reputation with their elite graduates over a period of decades, or perhaps even centuries, before the general public recognizes their status within academia. Hence, it surprises foreigners and even native Koreans when they find out Seoul National University’s history spans little more than six decades.

Widely regarded as the still undisputed top university in South Korea, SNU celebrated its 62nd anniversary in 2008, while rivaling universities such as Yonsei University and Korea University boasted their 123rd and 103rd anniversaries, respectively. World-renown universities such as Harvard and Yale even best these century-old institutions by a long shot, being 362 years and 297 years old, respectively. Compared to these aged and wizened institutions, SNU looks like it is still in its infancy. From a positive perspective, this seems to imply that SNU has moved up in the academic rankings with unmatched speed; or there must be something more to these ages than can be seen.

The main reason turns out to be the latter, as SNU marks its inception in connection with a meaningful defining moment, different in nature to conventional foundation dates. Most prestigious universities around the world boast a long history because they trace their origins to an educational institution that has developed into the current university form. These institutions often did not have the same titles as their modern counterparts, and often converged with several others to form the current universities.

If SNU were to trace its lineage following this common methodology, it could proudly place itself among the ‘Centuries-Old Universities Club’. Institutions which later became part of the modern SNU were founded as far back as 1895, when Korea’s first national law academy was established. So why announce a more youthful age when greater age would bring more prestige to the name of SNU?

The intentionally shortened official age reflects SNU’s will to match its stride with the national spirit of beginning a new history; a self-made and self-written history separate from external intervention. In 1924 Gyeongseong Imperial University was founded during the Japanese rule of Korea. In the process, several of the independent colleges which are viable fundamental origins of SNU were absorbed as part of Gyeongseong University. Thus there is concern that recognizing one of those colleges as the origin of SNU would be understood as including Gyeongseong Imperial University’s history in the history of SNU. Therein lies the reason that SNU marks its foundation date as 1946, one year after Korean independence from Japan.

However, there is now also an argument calling for the full history of SNU to be included in its official age. Professor Cho Kuk of the College of Law at SNU argues that claiming one of the original independent colleges as SNU’s origin would not mean SNU is a descendent of Gyeongseong Imperial University. He believes SNU should officially announce its origin as 1895, and continue to enlighten others of the “difficulties, humiliation, and severance” that SNU has endured throughout its proud history.

Whether or not Seoul National University will adjust its official age remains to be seen, but either way, at least you have been enlightened with the uncut story. Just to be true to our motto: Veritas Lux Mea.

November 24, 2008
SNU PR Office
Min Hee Choi, SNU English Editor