

International Military Studies Conference at SNU

Jul 14, 2008

The International Sociology Association (ISA) holds its conference on military studies on Gwanak campus.

SNU and Korea Military Academy have co-hosted the conference with the support of the Korean Sociological Association.

The President of RC01, Giuseppe Caforio, said that he ISA chose Seoul as venue because Seoul is a geographic region of steadily growing significance.

The conference has been dedicated to the memory of Professor Charles C. Moskos, a pre-eminent scholar in the field of military studies in social sciences.

During the conference period, the participants visit the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) and frontline military camps in northern Seoul.

The conference unfolds in three and a half days of sessions as below. Since we have a large number of participants, there will be parallel sessions; therefore, two of three sessions will be taking place simultaneously.

Subject: Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution in Globalized World
Organizer: International Sociology Association Research Committee 01
Date: 13 to 17 July, 2008
Venue: Hoam Faculty House at SNU Gwanak campus

14 July 2008
- Session 1 International Military Cooperation (Chair: Joseph Seoters, Netherlands Defense Academy)
- Session 6  Building the Sustaining Peace (Chair: Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut)
- Session 13  Conscription and All-Volunteer Forces: Change in Manning Format and the Impact on Civil-Military Relations (Chair: Tibor Szvircsev Tresch, Center for Security Studies ETH Zurich)
Session 14 Gender and the Defense Sector Reform (Chair: Helena Carreiras, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal)
- Session 2  Military Families Current International Deployments of Armed Forces: Different Strategies to Cope with Stressing Situations (Chair: Christopher Dandeker, King`s College London & Marina Nuciari, University of Torino)
- Session 11 Public Opinion and Security Issues: West and East Compared (Chair: Sabine Collmer, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Germany)
- Session 8  The Military in the Asian Context (Chair: Doo-Seung Hong, SNU)
- Session 12 Military Operations Other than War (Chair: realize Ferreira, UNISA, South Africa)

15 July 2008
- Session 4  Peace Keeping Experiences in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Chair: Ljubica Jelusic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Session 3  Social, Professional and Political Aspects of Asymmetric Warfare (Chair: Giuseppe Caforio, President of RC01, Italy)
- Session 16  International Military Cooperation through NATO and the EU (Chair: Joseph Soeters)
- Session 9 War, Militarization, and Woman: Constructing Feminist Critical Discourses (Chair: Na-Young Lee, Chung-Ang University, Korea)
- Session 7  Korean Military in Transition (Chair: Mahn Geum Ohn, KMA, Korea)

16 July 2008
- Session 10 The Military Profession in Transition (Chair: Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
- Session 17 Social, Professional and Political Aspects of Asymmetric Warfare (Chair: Giuseppe Caforio, President of RC01)
- Book Reading and Discussion Session
- Visit to the DMZ and 1st ROK army Infantry Division

17 July 2008
- Session 15 Democratic Civilian Control of the Armed Forces in Asia (Chair: Hanggi Heiner, Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and University of St. Gallen)
- Closing Coference

July 14, 2008
SNU PR Office