

SPC-Agriculture College Build a Research Center

Mar 26, 2008

A Groundbreaking ceremony for ‘SPC Agriculture and Life Sciences and Basic Sciences Research Center’
- Promoting the industry-academy cooperation and the collaboration research between basic sciences and high-tech life sciences

For the first time on the campus of Seoul National University, a research center where two different departments will come together is underway. A groundbreaking ceremony has been held at 11 a.m. on January 14 for the ‘SPC Agriculture and Life Sciences and Basic Sciences Research Center’ which is to be built between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Building 200) and the College of Natural Sciences (Building 500).

Jangmoo Lee (President of SNU), Youngin Hur (President of SPC), Sejung Oh (Dean, College of Natural Sciences) and Eunwoo Park (Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) were present at the ceremony.

The newly constructed research center will be 7,370㎡ in total area with one story below and five above the ground at the cost of 7.8 billion won, expected to be ready by February 2009. The construction cost has been raised through a contribution of 4.5 billion won from SPC last year and other donations that have been given for the development of basic sciences.

This research center will provide the space for joint endeavor in the field of high-tech life sciences and basic sciences among researchers from the College of Natural Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences as well as the industry-academy cooperation with the SPC group.

SNU hopes that the tie-work among researchers from different departments and corporations will promote the industry-academy cooperation and the collaboration research between Basic Sciences and high-tech Life Sciences, resulting in a synergy effect for all.

January 27th 2008
SNU PR Office

Translated by Bomi Kwon