Foreign Language Course Abroad Training Program launched
Seoul National University has launched a new course for winter session, ‘Introductions to Foreign Languages 3’. Its goal is to offer an enriching study opportunity for about 3~4 weeks abroad through training in advanced level foreign languages and subsequent cultural experiences, for students who have already finished introductory courses of each language.
This program will be an effective opportunity in the mid-to-long- term view, bringing up the inheritors of the academics which need preservation and support, and producing experts in each foreign country or region.
All students who have completed and received grades above B+ (3.3) in one or more advanced foreign language course(s) (the titles of advanced lectures are described below) can register for these courses upon selection following an interview with professors of each language.
The total lecture hours will be about 75 hours (45 hours for 3 credit course rules + practical training over 30 hours), and students will be taught under the guidance of full-time faculty from each language department.
New Courses ----------------- Courses Qualified as Advanced Level
Introduction to Chinese 3 ------- Introduction to Chinese 2, Chinese Composition,
Contemporary Chinese, Advanced Readings in Chinese
Introduction to French 3 -------- Introduction to French 2, French Composition,
Advanced French Reading, Contemporary French
Introduction to German 3 ------- Introduction to German 2, Contemporary German,
Readings in German Prose, German Composition,
Practice in Text Reading, German in the Mass Media, Practice in Intermediate German
Introduction to Russian 3 ------- Introduction to Russian 2, Media Russian, Russian
Composition, Readings in Russian Prose
Introduction to Spanish 3 ------- Introduction to Spanish 2, Spanish Composition,
Readings in Spanish Prose, Contemporary Spanish
Advanced Japanese (winter session) -basic level or advanced level of
Japanese (no courses)
Language-------Lecture-Giving Institutions
Chinese--------Beijing Foreign Studies University
FrenchCentre International d'Etudes Francaises de l'Universite de
Bourgogne (French Education Institute, University of
German--------Free University of Berlin
Russian--------College of Humanities, Moscow National University
Spanish--------Language Education Institute, University of Salamanca
Japanese------Kyushu University
Dec. 1, 2007
SNU PR Office
Language Course Abroad Training Program Launched
Dec 24, 2007