SNU provides various international exchange opportunities so that students in and outside of SNU can obtain intercultural competence through integration in various culture where host institutions belong while exploring the international dimensions of their academic field. SNU supports students by extensively networking with major educational organizations throughout the world. More than a thousand students are provided with this great opportunity each year to enrich their experience at international level.
1) Exchange Program
Exchange program allows participants to study in partner universities for either one term or a full academic year. As exchange students, participants are recognized as formal students at the host institution while paying the full-time tuition fee only to SNU, and waived at the host institution. Credits gained from the host university can be accepted and transferred at SNU. There are two types of exchange programs: “administration office agreement program” and “faculty agreement program”
SNU operates exchange programs under formal agreements between the president of SNU and those of 83 sister universities in 27 countries around the world. More than 140 students are selected each year through intense competition. This program is organized by The Office of International Affairs (OIA), and the OIA accepts applications for exchanges at the beginning of October each year. More information is available at index.html.
Each college can also support students to study abroad by independent mutual agreements with 88 universities and institutions in 20 countries. Commencement of selection and application period differs depending on the college. Hence, appliers should seek for information on the websites of college or faculty of interest.
2) Visiting Program
Visiting program can also be an option if you want to study at institutions that are not sister universities of SNU, or you failed to register as an exchange student. Participants are required to show their qualifications on English proficiency and their ability to study at the host institution. Participants are to pay 10~40% waived registration fee directly to the host institution, and can stay up to two semesters. This program is organized by non-profitable educational foundation called SAF (Study Abroad Foundation).
3) International Language Course
This is a specially designed language course only at Stanford University and Yale University. 30 students are selected to be sent to these universities each year during summer vacation. Participants are regarded as formal students at the host university.
Important dates for enrolling summer school at Yale are announced during March to April. Selected students are able to attend this course for six weeks from the end of June to the beginning of August, paying only 10% waived tuition fee. Participants who pass the assessment organized by Yale during the course can attend additional lectures during summer semester. Participants can also freely use diverse facilities at Yale such as library, gym, and museum.
Stanford University selects 10 students each year after the announcement of guideline in March. Selected participants are to attend a four-week course from July till August at Stanford. Visiting students at Stanford University are also encouraged to participate in ‘out-of-classes’ to share information with current students at Stanford.
4) International Training and Education Support Program
Students at SNU are strongly encouraged to design their own training program. This program is to financially support undergraduate students who wish to participate in short-term training programs, and graduate students for long-term training programs. Participants are carefully selected through their own study plan at an institution of interest. SNU funds for participants up to 6,000,000 won regarding their study period and plan.
Short-term Training Program
This program provides students with training opportunities, in order for the participants to obtain linguistic skills, specialized knowledge as well as academic disciplines for world-wide collaboration and communication across borders. All undergraduate and graduate students at SNU are eligible to apply for this training program, and participants can study at institutions in a country of interest. Students are selected each semester, and applications are accepted during April and October at the administration offices at each college. About 100 students are sent each year for at least four weeks to maximum two months, and 1,000,000~2,000,000 won is provided considering training period and the host country.
Long-term Training Program
In response to demand for international leaders with high competence, SNU supports graduate students to experience long-term international training program. PhD candidates, prospective PhD candidates, and students who have already completed PhD are eligible to apply for this program. 20 students are selected each semester by examining their history, career papers and interview. Participants are trained abroad for six months with up to $6,000 training program fee in addition to a round-trip flight fare provided. Applications are accepted every June and November at the administration offices of each college.
5) Other Programs
1. Harvard-Yenching Program
SNU students are given a great opportunity to study and research at a non-profitable institution, Harvard-Yenching Research Institution. Expected applicants are PhD candidates and professors under 42. Full scholarship and research expenses are provided to participants for minimum 11 months to maximum 42 months considering individual research plan. Selection guideline is announced every April, and varying number of students is selected on December through thorough examination of application documents and interview.
2. DUO Korea Fellowship
This fellowship program is designed to encourage continuous and balanced human resource exchange between Korea and 25 ASEM member countries in Europe. In this program, if one student, lecturer or professor in Korea exchanges with another student, lecturer or professor in Europe in a pair, both participants gain scholarship. This program is organized at OIA, and the selection guideline and relevant announcements are available on ASEM DUO website every July. For students exchanging in pairs, 8,000 euros are provided for four months (one semester), and for lecturers or professors, 6,000 euros are provided every month staying.
3. Asia in Today’s World Program
SNU provides Korean students at SNU with a valuable chance to attend Asian Studies lectures at Kyushu University during summer vacation. Courses taken at Kyushu University can be partly accepted as credits at SNU. Guidelines are announced every March, and two students are selected each year. Participants gain 120,000 Yen of scholarship for the summer semester.
4. Seoul-Tokyo-Peking International Summer School
This program is a specially designed summer school exchange program between Korea, Japan and China. Students at SNU can be present at lectures, seminars and field trips at Waseda University in Japan, and at Peking University in China, exploring political and economical issues. Both undergraduate students and graduate students working on master’s or doctor’s degree are eligible to apply for this program, and ten students are selected for this program each year during June. Participants attend three weeks’ training from the end of July to mid August. Full scholarship is provided, but a round-trip fare of 1,000,000 won from Tokyo to Beijing is charged to individual student. Applications are accepted at SNU-KIEP EU center on site or by e-mail.
5. APRU Undergraduate Summer Program
Undergraduate students at SNU are given opportunities to attend lectures during summer semester at a member university of Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). Two students are selected each year during June, and participants are able to gain academic as well as cultural knowledge at a university of interest for two weeks during July. A round-trip fare is provided, but $150 of tuition fee is charged individually.
6. Internship Programs
Washington Leadership Program
WLP is a leadership training program for (overseas) Koreans, and is organized by KASM(Korean American Sharing Movement, Inc.), a non-profitable association in USA, since 2003. This program is open to SNU students beyond their first year of study. SNU funds 50% of the tuition fee which is 2,100,000 won for the participants. Selected students are obliged to attend the training sessions organized by OIA at the beginning of June before they go through the actual two weeks’ training at the training institution in Washington DC in the following month.
Global Talent Program
GTP is an international internship program organized by SNU Career Development Center. Ten Students are selected each semester, and they are sent to one of the most promising companies around the world. For this semester, participants are sent to multinational financial firms regardless of their major. 300,000 won of training fee is charged for two to three weeks’ of training.
July 12, 2007
SNU PR office
Study & Work Abroad Program for SNU Students
Jul 12, 2007