

SNU International Summer Institute

Apr 09, 2007

Seoul National University International Summer Institute (SNU ISI) offers an exceptional opportunity for students to study with a league of the world’s best-recognized scholars. At SNU, brilliant intellectual minds from all over the world come together to guide our ISI students through six weeks of intensive courses in their fields of expertise. ISI courses are conducted entirely in English, and combined with study trips to cultural sites and an optional Korean language program to make the summer experience an exciting cross-cultural encounter.
SNU ISI offers 3 courses for undergraduates and 2 for graduate students, in Korean history, markets, society and culture, and East Asian Politics.

Why study at SNU this Summer?

-Rich Academic Heritage: At SNU, Korea’s leading university, you will have the opportunity to study and interact with eminent faculty and top students from Korea and around the world. Experience why SNU is considered to be the intellectual heart of Korea’s academia, culture , society , politics, and arts.
-Top International Faculty: Each summer course will be taught by a team of renowned international scholars including faculty members from Harvard University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, University of Tokyo, and Seoul National University. The SNU ISI will be an intensive and stimulating academic experience that will redefine and enrich your understanding of Korea and East Asia.
- Wealth of Korea’s Traditional Lore: Explore SNU Libraries, Kyujangkak Royal Library (founded by King Jeongjo during the Joseon dynasty) and Museum and discover an incomparable collection of Korea’s ancient and modern history.
-Immersion Experience: In addition to a rigorous academic program, the SNU ISI offers a full immersion into social and cultural life of Korea. You will have opportunities to interact with local students in class and campus setting and further experience Korea’s multi-faceted society through cultural and industrial excursions as well as special lectures given by prominent leaders. Located in Seoul, at the foot of Gwanak mountains, the SNU campus is well-known for its beauty and serves as a convenient base for exploring Seoul and Korea.

Courses and Credits

Undergraduate students must take at least six credits to enroll in the summer session and are encouraged to register for nine credits to take full advantage of the program. A certificate of completion will be awarded by Seoul National University to every student who successfully completes full nine credits at the institute.

Undergraduate Program
-Current Issues in Korean Economy & Politics (3 credits) : The objectives of this course include helping students to learn and analyze the various current events in Korea. Also the Korean Peninsula has been the focus of international community for various events such as the North Korean nuclear crisis. This course examines the relationships among nation-states, corporations, and key international trade and financial organizations in today's global environment. It also examines how globalization and Korean politics affect distribution of economic wealth and, in turn, how economic growth/changes affect politics and the economy market.
-Culture and Society of Contemporary Korea (3 credits) : A multi-disciplinary introduction to modern Korean culture and society. The course will give a historical overview of the cultural and socio-economic background that examines how to understand the modern Korean trends such as"Korean Wave". South Korea is well known for its dynamic history of development, and its role in Northeast Asia. Students will enhance their understanding of Korea as well as the Korean nationalism in Northeast Asia.
-East Asia: Democracy, Markets & Security (3 credits) : This course is designed to focus on a social science approach to modern East Asia. It provides intensive exposure to the politics, international relations, modern history, and cultural and social formations of the region within East Asia. It is an interdisciplinary course with a predominantly social science emphasis - history, political science, economics - that allows for a measure of East Asia. Students will enhance their understanding of Korea as well as the regional politics of East Asia.
-Korean Language Program (non credit) : This program is offered for foreign students attending the SNU International Summer Institute. Students will have the opportunity to learn Korean language and be exposed to its culture. Conversational skills and expressions necessary for daily life through first-hand experience with Korean culture. Effective structure of combined classes consisting of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Graduate Program
-SNU-ACPR Summer Workshop on Social Science Data Analysis (2 credits) : SNU-ACPR stands for"Seoul National University - Asian Consortium for Political Research." Graduate students, junior faculty and young post-graduate researchers within Korea's major universities, research institutes, junior researchers, and foreign students at graduate level. Analysis of major ideas and concepts of allocation for data display and workshop modes. (Lectures are requested to bring their own raw data base and laptops to display his/her own data base and analysis/methodology.)
-Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies Summer Camp (non credit) : This is an adjunct graduate program which is organized and administered by Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies. (

SNU ISI Schedule

- Admission Deadline : April 30, 2007
- Payment Deadline : May 28, 2007
- Dormitory Check In June 23, 2007
- Orientation June 24, 2007
- Courses Begin (Undergraduate) : June 25, 2007
- Course Begins (SNU-ACPR Workshop) : July 23, 2007
- Graduation August 3, 2007
- Dormitory Check Out August 4, 2007

For detailed information on SNU ISI and on-line application, please visit
For inquiries, please contact T.82-2-880-8633~4, Email.