

SNU Art Goes On Sale for 600,000 Won

Sep 19, 2006

Korean art masterpieces such as Oriental paintings of Lee Jong-sang (emeritus professor of Seoul National University, SNU), Western paintings of Yun Myeong-ro, (emeritus professor of SNU), and fiber arts of Lee Sin-ja (emeritus professor of Duksung Women?s University) are being displayed in an exhibition at a very low price - 600,000 won.

The exhibition is organized by SNU to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the school. Because of the low price, the exhibition is nicknamed the 600,000 won exhibition.

The fine arts college of SNU and its alumni association announced yesterday that to celebrate the school 60th anniversary, they decided to set the price of all of the art pieces created by its alumni displayed this exhibition to 600,000 won. The exhibition continues from October 12 to 22 at SNU museum.

SNU said that it is the first time it has standardized the price of works in an exhibition.

In this exhibition, 300 pieces of work made by SNU graduated artists including senior members such as Kwon Soon-hyung (former dean of fine arts college of SNU), and other young artists are being displayed. They are either picked up by artists or created for this exhibition.

"I have not decided yet which one I present. I am just thinking of low-priced piece like under 10 million won because I don?t want to place a negative impact on the fine art market," said Professor Lee Jong-sang.

The exhibition is likely to comprise of smaller works because of such low prices. Even though there is no policy about the standard requirement, paintings under five (a painting size measurement tool) and sculptures with heights less than 50 centimeters are to be displayed.

Kwon Young-gul, dean of the fine arts college of SNU, said,"Since works created by famous artists are very expensive, worth millions or tens of millions of won, fine art lovers don't even think of purchasing them," adding,"Even though this event is intended to celebrate the 60th anniversary, I hope that this event helps art enthusiasts come closer to excellent pieces of art."

The sale will be operated under first-come-first-served basis. The earnings are equally divided by the fine arts college of SNU and exhibitors. The college plans to use this money as a SNU development fund, for fine art college alumni funds, and for construction of an alumni building. If exhibitors donated all earnings to the college, the pieces they presented to exhibition can be sold at a price that exhibitors want.

SNU alumni who are interested in exhibiting their works in"The 600,000 Won Exhibition" may call the fine arts college office of SNU (Tel. 02-872-8065) or the Department of Sculpture in SNU (Tel. 02-880-7492 3).

SNU PR Office