With the load of papers and group projects that are assigned to SNU students every semester, time is never sufficient, especially for those who lose up to 4 hours on commute."Why aren't our school computer labs open 24 hrs!" students have complained every night before a big due date. Now, this is one complaint that can be wiped off the 'SNU complaint list' once and for all!
The first floor of the central computer lab has been under construction since the beginning of the semester, and after 2 or so months of grueling pounding, drilling, and demolishing, a newly transformed lab was opened for all students, starting from the fourth of May, 11:30 a.m. The newly constructed space, called I-space, is just about everything you had wished for in a school computer lab. The simple but definitely not dull design in grey white and orange makes it just appropriately chic, very compatible to the lab’s purpose. Upon entrance, on your right is a comfortably spacious area with 28 brand new and more comfortable chairs. Then to your left is stationed a total of 10 more computers; 4 for multimedia purposes (printing, scanning) and 2 seats reserved for the physically challenged. The laptop renting service center has also moved down to the first floor, in the mini room inside I-space.
Although the new equipment, furnishing and the spacious atmosphere is extremely appreciable, what makes I-space all the more welcome is the fact that this is not another one of those typical SNU facilities where hard working students are thrown out and lights are shut at the strike of 11 o'clock. I-Space is open 24 hours to all students of SNU, as long as they carry their ID’s. Due to security reasons, you will only be given access to the Central Library under the possession of your RF ID cards (S-cards!). Until the 6th of June, these RF ID cards will only be required for the night (18:00 ~ 7:00), but starting from 6/7 your access to the lab will be denied if you don’t have your ID’s. This may bring about some inconveniences on the part of the students, but compared to what we are getting for this, this is still a small price to pay.
July 2006
By Sun Young Im (syi0506@snu.ac.kr), The English-language Journal SNU Quill No.5
A 24hr Computer Lab Opens
Jul 14, 2006