

47.3% of High-ranking Officials in Korea is SNU Alumni

Nov 15, 2005

The recent statistics showes that in Korean modern history there has been 1,635 high-ranking officials, who are as high or higher than underseceretary, and 773(47.3%) of them are from SNU.

The percentage of high-ranking officials from SNU was highest during Kim Youngsam administration as 81.7%, when the President himself was from SNU philosophy department.

During Jeon administration it was 76.2%, and was 78.4% during Roh Taiwoo administration, during Kim Daijung administration it was 76.4%, and it is now 68.8% at this Roh Muhyun period, which is lowest in the history.

This statistics proves that SNU has been doing its role training leading elites of Korea.

Nov. 5, 2005
SNU PR Office