

SNUSR (SNU Social Responsibility) Produces ‘Easy Contents’ Audio Book, Free Download Available

Mar 24, 2023

‘We will always be together,’ an easy storybook content, in the form of an audiobook recorded by SNU students, has been made and distributed by SNU Social Responsibility (hereinafter ‘SNUSR’). It is currently available for free download and listening in national bookstores.

‘We will always be together’ is a fairy tale storybook made by team SNUggle of the ‘2022 Summer Easy Content Contest’ to provide psychological and emotional support for children suffering from emergency situations such as the pandemic and wars. Team SNUggle organized the story so that even young children can understand the anxiety, sadness, and anger when being separated from loved ones; as well as the stability and happiness when reunited with them once again.

Since 2020, SNUSR has been conducting the ‘Easy Contents’ business in making educational fairy tale books and animations for citizens around the world who need easy content, such as children and individuals with developmental disabilities. In October 2022, more than 10,000 copies of the fairy tale book ‘We will always be together’ was distributed to thirteen countries including Korea, Guatemala, Malawi, Bolivia, Uganda, Ukraine, Ecuador, Zambia, Tanzania, Paraguay, Peru, and the Philippines.

Established in February 2013, SNUSR is a hub institution that focuses on the social responsibility of SNU. Based on its social responsibility and evolutionary specialty, SNUSR strives to realize social contribution in education and practice, both in Korea and around the world.

Translated by
Seulki Yeo (Department of Russian Language and Literature)