

Seoul National University delivers emergency relief fund for the Turkey ‧ Syria earthquakes

Mar 22, 2023

Amid huge damage to Turkey and Syria due to a strong earthquake in the inland area of southeastern Turkey, Seoul National University held a collective fundraiser from February 15th to 22nd, led by the 63rd Student Council 'Jeong Oh'. Moved by the warm hearts of students, faculty members and banks at Seoul National University also participated and showed their pursuit at the 「2023 Freshmen Mentor Group」. As a result, KRW 46,416,732 was collected and donated to the Korean Red Cross under the name of "Seoul National University students and faculty.

Seoul National University delivers emergency relief fund for the Turkey ‧ Syria earthquakes

Shin Hee-young (center), chairman of the Korean Red Cross, Cho Jae-hyun (right), president of the 63rd Student Council, and Park Yong-kyu (left), vice president of the 63rd Student Council, taking photos at the donation ceremony held at the Seoul office of the Korean Red Cross in Jung-gu, Seoul on Feb. 27.

Translated by
Seulki Yeo (Department of Russian Language and Literature)