

Study Abroad Program: SNU Students Branching Out into the World

Nov 07, 2019

One of the greatest merits of being a university student is having the time and freedom to explore one’s interests during summer and winter vacations. For SNU students who wish to gain international experience in the process, participating in the Study Abroad Program (SAP) can be an excellent choice.

The SAP program, organized by the Office of International Affairs (OIA), provides the financial and networking assistance necessary to take regular courses or participate in research abroad during summer and winter vacations. According to the OIA, the program aims to “provide students with the opportunity to improve their foreign language skills, be exposed to different cultures, to develop their own international perspectives, and to cultivate their ability to meet the global challenges.”

The program consists of two types. TypeⅠoffers a list of summer or winter schools across the world from which students can freely choose according to their interests. The list for Summer 2019 included a variety of programs hosted at prestigious universities around the world such as Harvard University Summer School, University College London Summer School, Peking University Summer School International, Sciences Po Summer School, and 14 others. Scholarships cover room and board as well as tuition up to 5,000,000 won per student. Type Ⅱ is a student-designed program in which students can conduct individual or team research at various universities and institutes around the world. Students can also apply for a university program that is not included in the list for TypeⅠ , as long as it is not a language course. The amount for Type Ⅱ scholarships varies by region:

Region Scholarship Amount (in Korean Won)
2 Weeks ~ 4 Weeks 4 Weeks ~ 6 Weeks 6 Weeks and more
Asia 1,600,000 2,200,000 2,700,000
Middle East/ Africa 2,250,000 3,000,000 3,500,000
Oceania 2,500,000 3,500,000 4,000,000
America/ Europe 2,750,000 4,000,000 4,500,000

Full-time undergraduate students with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and graduate students with a minimum GPA of 3.3 are eligible to apply, as long as they meet the language requirements stipulated by the program of their choice. The application process consists of a written statement of purpose and an interview.

Students currently receiving funds from other funding organizations for the same program or those who have already participated in the SAP program are restricted from applying.

Selected students attend an orientation session at which they receive basic education necessary for studying abroad and get a chance to exchange information and plan their academic journeys together with others who have been selected for the same program. They are required to submit a final report on their experience, which will provide valuable information to prospective applicants in the future.

“The SAP Program was an unforgettable experience. I was able to interact with peers from various backgrounds and gain an international perspective on my studies,” said Lee Jaehyun (Department of Economics), who participated in Harvard Summer School 2019.

Written by Chae Hyun Kim, SNU English Editor,
Reviewed by Professor Travis Smith, Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations,