

Fund Raising for a New Library

Apr 20, 2012

SNU’s central library started this campaign on March 13 to raise funds for the building of a new library and renovation of the current central library in order to resolve the issues of lack of study space and worn down facilities.

The university’s main library is now 40 years old.
The university’s main library is now 40 years old.
The university’s main library, which is about 40 years old, was built in 1974 and is now too old to provide enough safety, efficiency, and functionality.

So the central library started the “SNU Library Friends” campaign, explaining the necessity of a new library and possible ways to contribute as well as introducing stories of other donors. It is also gathering the opinions of community members as well through the “Suggestions for the New Library” program.

Where and how exactly to build the new library have not yet been decided. After successful fundraising, the university will form a council composed of experts to select the location, and garner the opinions of SNU’s students, faculty and staff to design an eco-friendly library.

Everyone from professors, staff and students, to the general public can contribute to the fund and small sum donations will also be appreciated. Donation boxes are located on the 4th and 5th floors of the central library in front of the entrance.

For more information on donating, please contact the SNU Library Planning & PR Department (02-880-9374~5 /

Source: SNU Library (