

2012 International Organizations Special Lecture

Jun 07, 2012

The SNU Career Development Center (Chair Professor KIM Taewan of the Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering) hosted a special lecture titled"Preparing to Work at an International Organization" on Tuesday, April 24, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Lotte International Education Hall (Bldg. 152-1), Room 208. This program was to inform SNU students about working at international organizations such as the UN or NGOs. Approximately 110 interested students were in attendance.

Career Session of International Organizations Professor LEE Byung Joo (Baekseok University, Dept. of Law and Politics), who was the first Korean to enter into the UN Department of Safety and Security, was invited to give the lecture, which lasted approximately two hours. The lecture began with a general introduction to governmental and non-governmental organizations. Professor Lee further explained what an international civil servant is, the types of work done at international organizations, four key words of working at international organizations, and how to equip oneself to work for international organizations through tests or becoming a person of experience. The lecture was very well received as students were able to hear details and information not easily accessible from someone speaking from his own personal experience.

Kim JiHye, a student in the Department of International Relations, said she was pleased to have received such"specific and realistic information" and that attending the lecture had certainly been"worth her time." Other students expressed that their interest in working for an international organization grew as a result of this special lecture. Since the lecture room was packed with students there were also some students who recommended a bigger lecture hall the next time a career lecture is held. The SNU Career Development Center plans on taking their feedback into account in preparation for the next series of special lectures to introduce career related information to students.

Person in Charge: Dept. of Global Career Support, Researcher Shin EunHae (02-880-1354,

Written By LEE Bo Young, SNU English Editor,
Reviewed by Eli Park Sorensen, SNU Professor of Liberal Studies,
Proofread by Brett Johnson, SNU English Editor,