

SNU and PKU Strengthen Academic Relationship at the First Joint Convention

May 18, 2012

SNU and Peking University (PKU) are the leading universities in South Korea and China respectively, and the history of their collaboration dates back to 1993, one year after South Korea and China officially established diplomatic relations. In the past nineteen years SNU and PKU have worked together in many different research fields, as well as in establishing student exchange programs such as the 'SNU in Beijing' Summer Program for SNU students. Now it seems that the two universities are ready to take their relationship to a new level.

On May 7, an SNU delegation led by SNU President OH Yeon Cheon visited PKU to attend a joint convention with the purpose of strengthening the academic relationship between SNU and PKU. Various topics regarding ways to promote joint research and the exchange of students and professors were discussed during the convention.

SNU-PKU Joint Convention The Collective Action for the Mobility Program of University Students (CAMPUS) Asia program was one of the issues brought up at the meeting. The CAMPUS Asia program is the East Asian equivalent of the ERASMUS program in Europe. It intends to harmonize the higher education systems of South Korea, China and Japan by developing joint degree programs, joint curricula, and student exchange programs. SNU Graduate School of International Studies is heading the CAMPUS Asia project committee. The deans of the Graduate School of International Studies and the Graduate School of Business from both SNU and PKU shared their views on the program. Issues such as the current status of education, research in general, and financial aid for foreign programs were raised.

At the convention, SNU and PKU discussed ways to carry out joint research in areas such as politics, economics, social sciences and cultures of East Asia with the purpose of accumulating knowledge which could be used globally. This initiative was labeled the 'Asian Consensus'. Also, both universities planned to organize the 'SNU-PKU Research Dialogue Program', which is a program for promoting joint research that allows SNU and PKU to complement and maximize their strengths.

The presidents of both universities emphasized the importance of the convention and also expressed their will to strengthen the academic partnership, strive to become world-leading universities and thereby contribute to spreading 'Asian values' across the world. President Oh said, "We are here today to take our collaboration to a higher level and eventually fulfill our mission, that is, to make a better world." Professor Zhou Qifeng, president of PKU, commented, "I sincerely hope both universities benefit from further collaboration". Professor NAM Ick Hyun, dean of the SNU Office of Planning and Coordination, explained, "Research will become more efficient once the two universities vigorously share their efforts in academic fields which will be mutually beneficial to both parties."

Written by JANG Hyo Jeong, SNU English Editor,
Reviewed by Eli Park Sorensen, SNU Professor of Liberal Studies,
Proofread by Brett Johnson, SNU English Editor,