

An Invitation to the Renovated SNU Museum: A Journey to the Past

Apr 25, 2012

-A Retrospective Experience-

The Seoul National University Museum (SNUM) opened in 1946 and changed its location at various times between then and 1993, when the museum was moved to the then newly constructed facilities which it occupies to this day. Throughout the decades, SNU has carried out many major excavation projects since the beginning of the 60s both domestically and abroad. It offers a myriad of artifacts, dating as far back as prehistoric times as well as modern archaeology, history, art, folklore, contemporary art, and natural history collections. It also has extensive information about research projects that are currently underway and, in addition, holds various events and lectures.

The Archaeological history Exhibition
The archaeological history exhibition reopened on April 2 after undergoing renovation. The newly opened exhibition hall of SNUM has improved facilities which make the museum experience more pleasurable than before. SNUM is located in Building 70 next to the Dongwon Building.

Written by OH Jung Eun, SNU English Editor,
Reviewed by Eli Park Sorensen, SNU Professor of Liberal Studies,
Proofread by Brett Johnson, SNU English Editor,