The Center for Asian Migration Studies at the Seoul National University Asia Research Institute is hosting a colloquium titled "Rights Without Boundaries: The World of How to Live with Migrants". We kindly ask for your interest and participation.
Why is the legal status of border-crossers a concern for all of us? The principle of “equal pay for equal work,” which even AI clearly recognizes in the pilot program for migrant domestic workers, plays out in various ways in reality. How does this principle get reshaped in practice? This discussion invites us to break the common perception that migrants are “different and should be different” in legal status, while uncovering the ways in which the fundamental rights of native residents and migrants are interconnected. By critically reflecting on Korea’s immigration policies, which teeter between sovereignty and human rights, we will explore what it truly means to cultivate a multicultural civic consciousness. You are invited here for dialogue, where we will gain a deeper understanding of the legal status of migrants and examine how it is intricately linked to all of our lives—here and now.
- Date: March 25th, Tuesday, 2025, 16:00 – 17:30
- Online via Zoom
· (Address: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85492203175)
· Speaker: Professor Mi-ae Lee (Tamla Culture Research Institute, Jeju National University)
· Host: Center for Asian Migration Studies, Seoul National University Asia Research Institute
· Sponsors: Ministry of Education, National Research Foundation of Korea, HK+ Mega-Asia Research Project Group
· Inquiries: snu.migration@gmail.com (Center for Asian Migration Studies, Seoul National University)
· Pre-registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyVVDU7CUL2x_Wmm_8BS6UT-wCnA5kCmXemmktaXi5SzN6eQ/viewform?usp=sharing
We look forward to your participation!