All Ph.D., Master’s, Bachelor’s graduates,
This your day — a day to celebrate your new beginnings. I am sure many of you are wondering what the future holds, as you embark on a new journey that you’ve carefully planned and prepared for. However, I hope you take this moment to celebrate your accomplishments with those who have supported and encouraged you along the way.
Graduates gathering here today, you have all experienced something truly unique that will forever shape your memories of university life — the COVID-19 pandemic. I can only imagine the frustration you felt from not being able to have face-to-face interactions with friends, colleagues, and professors. It has been a challenge to adapt to a situation where key activities on campus, including classes and research, had to be conducted virtually, and to plan and prepare for the future with so many limitations.
I am proud of each and every one of you for making it through that long tunnel. The wisdom and strength you have gained through these hardships will undoubtedly serve as invaluable assets as you navigate an uncertain future. I encourage you to take a moment to express your gratitude to those who supported you during these trying times.
Graduation is not just an end, but also the beginning of a new chapter and a moment to affirm your new mindset. Reflecting on your experience at Seoul National University will serve as the starting point for your next adventure. Today, I want to share my thoughts with you as you take the leap from Seoul National University to a wider world, focusing on two important virtues.
The first virtue is courage. Whether on a personal or societal level, remember that every beginning stems from someone’s courageous choice. It seems that talking about courage has become somewhat awkward these days. Rather than courage, “risk aversion” and “survival” seem to be the guiding principles for everyday choices. This reflects a facet of our time, where it has become harder to share what might be called the "spirit of the age.” In such an era, inner courage is more essential than ever. The freedom to think beyond given boundaries, the strength to reject unfair or unreasonable constraints, and the determination to actively carve out the future amid uncertainty — all of these are rooted in courage.
Courage is not recklessness. Rushing in blindly is not what we call courage. Courage is based on a thorough analysis of the situation and a careful judgment of the conditions of possibility. Above all, courage is paired with the maturity to accept the results of the choices made after such a process. While courage does not guarantee worldly success, it is undoubtedly the source of strength needed to endure and navigate the ups and downs of life.
In the future, you will face a reality that is far more complex and uncertain than anything you have encountered so far. You will find yourselves in situations where you must make significant decisions on your own, and as a result, the weight of the responsibilities you bear will increase. However, do not dwell too much on things that are difficult to predict or beyond your control. Think carefully and prepare diligently, but make decisive judgments and respond with composure. The continuous effort to learn and reflect on human identity and the meaning of life is, in itself, a uniquely human endeavor.
The second virtue is the attitude of “living together.” Others and society are not merely something outside of “myself,” but the very foundation that shapes and transforms my existence. Ask yourself how many of the accomplishments you have achieved so far can be fully explained by your own individual efforts or abilities. Probably not many. We can only stand firm as individuals within the horizon of a life lived together with others.
I am not telling you to prioritize the community over the individual. What I aim to highlight is that an individual’s achievements truly shine when they align with the universal values of the community to which one belongs. By recognizing your place within the layers of communities surrounding yourself and continuously reflecting on the trajectory of your life in that context, our society will become a warmer and more vibrant place.
Dear graduates, the future of our society!
The rapid changes of our time and the intense turmoil both within and outside our country demand from all of us the power of courageous intellect and a conscience that strives for the common good. In these difficult circumstances, where crises deepen and uncertainty rises, I believe the challenges you face as you step beyond the boundaries of university are even greater. However, graduation is not just about leaving university; it is also, in a way, returning to it. As graduates, you are now united by the newly shared identity of being alumni of Seoul National University. With pride in your alma mater, I hope you move forward with courage and determination, always side by side with others, taking one step at a time.
Director Kim In-kwon, who will deliver a congratulatory speech today, is someone who has deeply embodied and practiced the values of "courage” and "living together.” Choosing what one desires is an act of courage, but staying where one is needed also requires great courage. I extend my respect and gratitude to Director Kim for teaching us this important lesson.
The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of Seoul National University’s integration at the Gwanak campus. In 2026, the university will celebrate its 80th anniversary. This is a crucial time during which SNU’s efforts to open the future for the nation, society, and humanity are more urgently needed then ever. As a leading academic community driving the era of great transformation, SNU will strive harder to meet your expectations of your alma mater, by building an educational platform that fosters new learning and experiences and creating a collaborative research ecosystem to solve the critical challenges humanity faces. We invite you to take an active interest and participate in these endeavors.
Once again, congratulations on your graduation. I wish you all the best in your future. Thank you.
February 26, 2025
RYU Honglim
President of Seoul National University