Selected Speeches
Dr. Chungserved as the President of SNU from 2002 to 2006. These are selected speeches during his presidency.
Commemorative Address for Dr.Schofield (Nov.4, 2003)
HIT: 12778
On the occasion of the ERD Day of College of Veterinary Medicine and Special Commemoration of Dr. Frank W. Schofield,
Commemorative Address
by Dr. Un-Chan Chung
President, Seoul National University
November 4, 2003
Dean Mun Han Lee, Chairman Woo Chun Kim of Korea Liberation Association, Ambassador Denis Comeau of Canadian Embassy, Professor Anthony Hayes of Ontario University, Professor Doo-Youn Cho of Louisiana State University, Professor Hong-Ryul Han, Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning. Welcome to Seoul National University and the College of Veterinary Medicine on this very special day.
May I start out by extending my heartfelt congratulations to those of you who will be honored with special awards at this year’s Education, Research and Development (ERD) Day. Much as a diligent farmer toils to plant the best seedlings in the spring, you have all applied yourselves in your chosen areas, and, much as the farmer later reaps an abundant autumn harvest, you too have been recognized for all the hard work invested during the past academic year. I am sure everyone present here will join me in wishing all of you continued success in the years to come.
When I first heard from Dean Mun Han Lee that the College of Veterinary Medicine was planning to hold a special Commemorative Lecture in honor of Dr. Schofield on this year’s ERD Day, I thought it a most fitting tribute to a great educator and dedicated humanitarian champion of this country. Though born in Britain and raised in Canada, Dr. Schofield came to adopt this country as his own, and today rests in our National Cemetery, revered as a national hero and one of the thirty-four great patriots who energized the March First Independence Movement in the year 1919.
I am delighted that not just one, but three distinguished speakers will be commemorating Dr. Schofield in the Special Lecture. Our thanks go out to Professor Cho, to Professor Han, and to Professor Hayes, for helping us to remember this wonderful man and his many remarkable achievements.
It is hard for me to try to encapsulate Dr. Schofield’s lifetime of scholarly endeavor and passionate humanitarian activism. Let me simply say that his story was a source of profound inspiration for me personally, and I am sure countless others in my generation.
Born to an underprivileged family, afflicted with polio in his youth, Dr. Schofield nevertheless overcame his personal limitations to become a renowned scholar in his time. One hundred forty-three research papers authored by Dr. Schofield at the Ontario College of Veterinary Medicine attest to his thirst for knowledge and dedication to research. His passionate fight for human dignity, for freedom and justice for the Korean people during the long, brutal years of Japanese occupation of this land, and his far-sighted leadership as an educator and mentor to later generations of Korean leaders will long be remembered in the annals of our history. I hope all of you here will listen to our three distinguished speakers today and be inspired by the story of a very courageous and visionary man.
Before I conclude, may I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank everyone at the College of Veterinary Medicine for the outstanding record of achievements you have made. The College of Veterinary Medicine is a comparatively small institution within the Seoul National University complex. But in terms of internationally recognized research output, in terms of students educated, and in terms of garnering competitive research grants, the College of Veterinary Medicine is a stand-out. I would like to extend to the teaching and research faculty, the administrative staff, and to the student population of the College of Veterinary Medicine, my very best wishes for continued success in your effort to establish the College as a premier center of excellence at Seoul National University.
Thank you all once again for attending this very special ceremony.