About SNU / President's Office
President's Office /
President Message
The SNU Consensus: An Innovation Platform for Freedom and Trust
Welcome to Seoul National University, a thriving community where creativity and aspiration drive academic excellence! Established as the first national university of Korea in 1946, Seoul National University (SNU) has educated unique individuals with exceptional competencies and visions. SNU has played a vital part in Korea’s unprecedented industrialization and democratization, earning it a reputation as the “university of and for the people.”
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution is causing rapid changes to the internal and external environment of the university, SNU is embarking on new paradigms in education and research. At Seoul National University, we are committed to remaining devoted to our traditional values while at the same time acting boldly on the challenges of our time. SNU will lead the country in innovative higher education by improving the quality of education and fostering creative talents who will shape our future.
We are transforming Seoul National University into a place where all our members can freely pursue their passions and goals. We will cultivate compassionate leaders who care for their communities and talented individuals who contribute to the future of the country and humanity. SNU’s transformation will ensure that we nurture creative talents who will lead the new era and provide solutions to today’s challenges for our nation and the world.
Seoul National University aims to be a platform where freedom and trust work in a virtuous cycle. Innovative education and research that inspire public trust will allow Seoul National University to promote its autonomy and create more social value.
Please join us in this great transformation of Seoul National University!

The 28th President of Seoul National University

Last updated in 2023