About SNU / Overview

Organization Chart

Overview /

Organization Chart

Educational Organizations

SNU College

Colleges (15)

The table including College of, Department of
College of Department of
Humanities Aesthetics, Archaeology and Art History, Asian History, Asian Languages and Civilizations, Chinese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Hispanic Language and Literature, Korean History, Korean Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Western History
Social Sciences Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Geography, International Relations and Political Science, Psychology, Social Welfare, Sociology
Natural Sciences Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics
Agriculture and Life Sciences Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Applied Biology and Chemistry, Biosystems and Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Food and Animal Biotechnology, Forest Sciences, Plant Science
Business Administration Business Administration
Education Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Earth Science Education, Education, English Language Education, Ethics Education, French Language Education, German Language Education, Geography Education, History Education, Korean Language Education, Mathematics Education, Physical Education, Physics Education, Social Studies Education
Engineering Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Energy Resources Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
Fine Arts Crafts and Design, Oriental Painting, Painting, Sculpture
Human Ecology Clothing and Textiles, Consumer and Child Studies, Food and Nutrition
Medicine Pre-Medicine, Medicine
Music Composition (Composition/Theory), Instrumental Music (Piano, String, Wind and Brass), Korean Music, Vocal Music
Nursing Nursing
Pharmacy Pharmacy, Manufacturing Pharmacy
Veterinary Medicine Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine

Graduate School (1)

Professional Graduate Schools (11)

  • Graduate School of Public Health
  • Graduate School of Public Administration
  • Graduate School of Environmental Studies
  • Graduate School of International Studies
  • School of Dentistry
  • Graduate School of Business
  • School of Law
  • Graduate School of Convergence Science Technology
  • Graduate School of International Agriculture Technology
  • Graduate School of Engineering Practice
  • Graduate School of Data Science

Last updated in 2019