About SNU / Overview

Organization Chart

Overview /

Organization Chart

Affiliated Facilities

University Museummuseum.snu.ac.kr

The University Museum opened in 1946 by taking over collections of the former Keisei Imperial College Museum. While it maintains four curatorial sections of Archaeology and History, Traditional Arts, Anthropology and Folklore as well as Natural History, collections of the latter section are kept separately by the College of Natural Sciences. As one of the most active institutions for archaeological research in Korea, it has made significant contributions to the study of prehistory and early history of Korea by making important discoveries throughout the country. It is also well known for its superb art history and ethnology collections.

Tel 82-2-880-5333
Email webmaster@snum.ac.kr
Location Building #70, Gwanak campus

Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studieskyu.snu.ac.kr

The Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies was established on February 1, 2006, by combining two existing institutions at Seoul National University: the Kyujanggak Archives and the Institute of Korean Studies. The Kyujanggak Archives is a repository as well as a library of old books and documents mostly inherited from the collections of the royal institute of the Joseon dynasty.

Tel 82-2-880-5315
Email kyujg@snu.ac.kr
Location Building #103, Gwanak campus

Gwanak Residence Hallssnudorm.snu.ac.kr/en/

The Gwanak Residence Halls accommodates a large number of over 6,000 residents from over 80 countries in the Undergraduate Dormitory, the Graduate Dormitory, the BK Dormitory and the Family Dormitory. The diversity of personalities, cultures, and educations on display will promote coexistence and harmony within the shared space.

Tel 82-2-880-5401~4
Location Building #900 - 935, Gwanak campus

Health Service Centerhealth4u.snu.ac.kr

The Health Service Center provides health and medical care for the members of all SNU community. The Center offers first-step medical treatment, medical check-ups, and vaccinations. It also runs health education programs and issues medical certificate.

Tel 82-2-880-5338 (Gwanak campus), 82-2-740-8108 (Yeongeon campus)
Location Building #63, Gwanak campus

Center for Teaching and Learningctl.snu.ac.kr

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was established in 2001 to support SNU faculty and students in their teaching and learning activities. The CTL offers special lectures, workshops, and consultations on effective teaching methods, learning methods, writing skill, the utilization of educational multimedia and so on. In addition, the center develops and administers e-Teaching & Learning (eTL), SNU Learning Management System, and various e-Learning contents.

Tel 82-2-880-5392
Location Building #61, Gwanak campus

Institute of Laboratory Animal Resourcesilar.snu.ac.kr

The Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources is breeding and supplying laboratory animals for bio science research at SNU. It annually breeds more than 15,000 mice with semi-SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) mouse breeding system, which was established with its extensive experience and strict standards. It also supplies transgenic mice and knockout mice produced with high efficiency. The service includes pedigree breeding of transgenic mice and embryo freezing.

Tel 82-2-880-9354 ~ 5
Email ilar@snum.ac.kr
Location Building #18, Gwanak campus

National Center for Inter-University Research Facilitiesirf.snu.ac.kr

The National Center for Inter-University Research Facilities (NCIRF) was established in 1988 to alleviate the shortage of high-tech research facilities in colleges and universities, and also to promote the efficient use of foreign loans. The Center is open to researchers of all colleges and universities in the nation for advanced researches in the basic natural sciences.

Tel 82-2-880-5427
Location Building #139, Gwanak campus

Language Education Institutelei.snu.ac.kr/mobile/en/klec/main/main.jsp

The Language Education Institute conduct language education, research and testing. The Institute offers courses on Korean language and culture as well as courses on a variety of foreign languages. It also publishes Language Research, a journal on linguistics and language education, three times a year and provides testing services for English, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. The institute consists of five centers: the Korean Language Education Center, the Foreign Language Education Center, the Language Education Research Center, the Language Proficiency Testing Center and the TEPS (Test of English Proficiency, developed by Seoul National University) Center.

Tel 82-2-880-5488
Location Building #137, Gwanak campus

Center for Campus Life and Culturesnucounsel.snu.ac.kr

The Center for Campus Life and Culture offers a wide range of specialized services to address students’ concerns and help them adjust to university life.

Tel 82-2-880-5501
Email counsel@snum.ac.kr
Location Building #63, Gwanak campus

Human Rights Centerhrc.snu.ac.kr

The Human Rights Center was established to make Seoul National University a community where all members have mutual care and respect for each other. It has established the Sexual Assault Advice Line in the year 2000, and created the Human Rights Advice Line to deal with a broader range of human rights issues on campus. The Human Rights Center receive reports of human rights violations and find solutions to these issues. We are more than pleased to help you in case of consultation requests via phone calls, emails and visits to the Center.

Tel 82-2-880-2421 (human rights center), 5073 (sexual assault prevention center)
Email helpme@snu.ac.kr (human rights)helpyou@snu.ac.kr (sexual assault prevention)
Location Building #153, Gwanak campus

Seoul National University Archivesarchives.snu.ac.kr 

The Seoul National University Archives was established in September of 2001 to manage the University records in comprehensive and effective ways, and to collect, manage and preserve documentary heritage concerning the history of the University.

Tel 82-2-8810, 8819
Location Building #220, 4F, Gwanak campus

University Museum of Artsnumoa.org

The Museum of Art (MoA) is the first university art museum in Korea dedicated exclusively to modern and contemporary art. Designed by world-renown architect Rem Koolhaas, the museum was constructed and donated by the Samsung Cultural Foundation. It was completed in October 2005 and is open to the public.

Tel 82-2-880-9504
Email info@snumoa.org
Location Building #151, Gwanak campus

Career Development Centercareer.snu.ac.kr

The Career Development Center, established in April 2006, provides various programs to support students in finding jobs and the right career path which will enable them to achieve their full potential. The Center offers one-on-one counseling regarding career choices and development and group counseling for career path design; organizes lectures on recruiting; supports students in preparation for interviews; holds workshops on career development for female and disabled students; arranges overseas internships and global networking and mentoring sessions with alumni; and hosts various events to facilitate industry-academia collaboration.

Tel 82-2-880-5067
Email snucareer@snu.ac.krsnujob@snu.ac.kr
Location Building #152-1, Room 202-205, Gwanak campus

Institute of Environmental Protection and Safetyieps.snu.ac.kr

The Institute of Environmental Protection and Safety is responsible for the following.
  • Preventing radiation and environmental pollution
  • Preventing laboratory accidents
  • Ensuring that radioactive wastes are being stored and disposed of correctly
  • Conducting environmental safety training so that all the laboratory workers are fully aware of safety procedures and regulations
  • Performing regular laboratory safety inspections
Tel 82-2-880-5500
Location Building #98, Gwanak campus

Extension Collegesnui.snu.ac.kr 

The Extension College was established in 2009 to promote life-long education by sharing SNU’s educational resources. It offers non-degree open courses on various subjects with inexpensive cost.

Tel 82-2-985-8702
Email lll@snum.ac.kr
Location Building #152-1, Gwanak campus

Supporting Organizations of Colleges & Schools

※ Click on the name of each supporting organizations to link to the websites.

Last updated in 2019